April 2023
Honorary Burgess
Councillor Helen Roberts
Councillor Helen Roberts was awarded the title of Honorary Burgess for her 20-year service as a Councillor showing commitment not only to the Town Council but to the community Councillor Helen represents.
Vicky Macdonald, Burgess of Conwy Town Council, presented the Honorary Burgess medal to Councillor Helen which was pinned by her daughter Councillor Eva Roberts, Deputy Mayor. Councillor Joan Vaughan, Mayor of Conwy & Constable of the Castle, presented a gift of flowers from the Council.
Following the presentation, the Mayor, Councillors and Distinguished Guests gathered at the Wishing Well Gardens to toast the Constable of the Castle’s pennant where photos were taken to record this rare ceremony.
Councillor Helen became a Councillor in 2002 and elected Mayor in May 2007. Councillor Helen is currently Chair of North Wales Walled Town Friendship Circle, and every year works hard to make the Walled Towns Car Rally a great success.
Councillor Helen believes in providing a strong voice for residents and doing everything she can to promote Marl Ward. Councillor Helen makes a real impact to her community affecting change, standing up for what she believes to be right and remaining true in all she does.
...Yn ôl i'r rhestr.
Conwy Town Council
Rose Hill Street
LL32 8LD
Ffôn: (01492) 596254
E-bost: info@conwytowncouncil.gov.uk
© 2025 Hawlfraint Cyngor Tref Conwy. Gwefan gan Delwedd.