The Town Council continues to invest...
Rhannwch eich syniadau, cymerwch ran, gwnewch wahaniaeth
The Mayoral Inauguration was held at the Guildhall on Monday 22nd May 2023
Beth mae Cronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol yn ei gefnogi....
Sylwch fod gwaith adnewyddu ar waith yn Neuadd y Dref ar hyn o bryd o naill ben i’r adeilad i’r llall.
Conwy Town Council is providing skips at the following locations on the dates below....
Conwy Town Council is providing skips at the following locations on the dates below....
Conwy Town Council are proud to support Conwy Reflections Morris Dancers.
Street Party/Event Grant Funding.
Y Comisiwn Etholiadol - Mae Dy Bleidlais Yn Cyfri Paid Colli Dy Gyfle.
Conwy Town Council were very sad to say goodbye to a dear friend, our Parade Marshall, Mr David Williams.
Due to the pandemic the Honorary Bailie ceremony was put on hold in 2020 and again in 2021.
Notice of appointement of the exercise of electors rights....
Conwy Town Council
Rose Hill Street
LL32 8LD
Ffôn: (01492) 596254
© 2024 Hawlfraint Cyngor Tref Conwy. Gwefan gan Delwedd.